Over 70
competitive skaters from across Alabama and from the Memphis, Tenn., area will
be in Decatur, March 2, 2013, for Blades in Decatur, part of the Alabama Grand
Prix Basic Skills Competition Series. Hosted by the Point Mallard Figure
Skating Club, the basic skills competition will be held at the Point Mallard
Ice Complex.
The event gets underway at 7:30
a.m. with an opening ceremony and a parade of athletes with competition beginning
at 8 a.m. Competitive skaters ranging from children 5 years old to adults will
be participating in the day-long competition.
A United States Figure Skating
approved Basic Skills Competition Series, the Alabama Grand Prix Basic Skills
Competition Series is sponsored equally by the Point Mallard Figure Skating
Club, the Skating Club of Huntsville, and the Birmingham Figure Skating Club. Blades
in Decatur is the second of three events to form the Alabama Grand Prix Basic
Skills Series #12 sanctioned under U.S. Figure Skating. The first event –
Rocket City Junior Classic - was held in Huntsville on February 16 and the
final event is Blades in Bama in Birmingham on March 16.
“Alabama is one of 12 states to
offer a Basic Skills Competition Series,” said Event Co-Chair Heidi Langham. “The
Basic Skills program is available to children and adults who want to learn
correct technique of the simple basic elements, and the competition is just one
way for the skaters to prove their accomplishments. We are excited to represent
Alabama in the figure skating world.”
The competition is open to the
public and admission is free. For more information, call Heidi Langham at
256.654.3330 or visit www.pointmallardfsc.com.